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Meeting of Viola da Gamba Society & Concert by the Rose Consort of Viols in Chichester.

grey brick exterior hexagon shaped

St John the Evangelist Chapel, Chichester - 1812 chapel exterior


Event overview

Event address

St John's Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UR
Where to find this church


5th October, 2024

Start time


Daytime meeting: entry by donation at the door.



Meeting of Viola da Gamba Society: Talks - ‘Two Elizabethan sources of viol music’ to be given by John Bryan, and ‘The Consort Organ’ to be given by David Force. Also a recital by a young professional viol player. 6pm concert by Rose Consort of Viols: ‘A store house of treasure’ - In nomines and textless ‘songs’ by Tallis, Tye and some of their continental contemporaries.

Saturday 5th October 2024 09.30 until 17.30 for VdGS, 17.30 until 20.00 for Rose Consort of Viols

During the VdGS meeting, John Bryan will investigate two Elizabethan manuscript anthologies containing textless music suitable for viols: Lbl R.M.24.d.2, John Baldwin’s 'Commonplace Book’ and Lbl Add. MS 31390, set out in table book format. This manuscript has a Chichester connection, and contains several pieces by Clement Woodcock, a composer whose career brought him to Chichester Cathedral to work as organist there for some years.

David Force will share with us his research about the Consort Organ, a distinctive type of seventeenth-century English chamber organ that was principally used in conjunction with consorts of viols and violins at the royal court, in aristocratic households, and in other mainly secular contexts during the Jacobean and Stuart periods.

As the third element of the meeting, we hope to arrange a recital by a young professional viol player.

The meeting will be followed by a 6pm concert in the chapel, given by Rose Consort of Viols. The programme for this hour-long concert ‘A store housse of treasure’ will focus on music featured in the two Elizabethan anthologies dealt with earlier in the day, including In nomines and textless ‘songs’ by Tallis, Tye and some of their continental contemporaries. Tickets will be available at the door.

Ticket information

Daytime meeting: entry by donation at the door.

Evening concert: Tickets on sale at the door £10

Contact information

Transport information

In the centre of Chichester follow the St. John’s Church brown tourist signs from the junction of A286 Market Road and St. John’s Street. City Centre parking. Nearest railway station: Chichester (0.5 miles).

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