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Gems of Worcester - PAST

View of the exterior of the church

St Swithun Worcester - perfectly preserved early Georgian gem.

© Andy Marhall

Event overview

Event address

St Swithun's Church, Church Street, Worcestershire,, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 2RH
Where to find this church


25th July, 2024

Start time


Member price: £85.00



Explore the picturesque 18th-century churches of Worcestershire.

The first stop on this coach tour is St Swithun's Church, Worcester. This town centre church of St Swithun, rebuilt in 1734, is an elegant, perfectly preserved early Georgian gem.The church has recently reopened after undergoing a multi-year regeneration project. The aim of the project was to create an urban venue that promotes the city's unique music and arts heritage.

The second visit will be St Lawrence's Church, Evesham. Nestled in the heart of Evesham’s historic centre this church of Norman foundation largely rebuilt in the 18th century - is imposing from the outside, displaying a great six-light window with elaborate tracery.

Then we will explore Church of St John the Baptist, Strensham. This handsome square-towered church has a simple exterior but a dazzling interior, which includes a Norman tub font, sixteenth-century pews, a spectacular screen with painted panels, medieval floor tiles, four centuries of family monuments.

This will be followed by a visit to the Church of St Mary Magdalene, Croome. A beautiful example of Georgian ‘Gothick’ architecture this church was commissioned by the 6th Earl of Coventry as part of the remodelling of the Croome Park estate and rises from glorious, landscaped parkland.

Finally the last stop will be the splendid All Saints' Church, Spetchley. A simple 700-year-old church next to Spetchley Park. Spectacular monuments to the local Berkeley family feature life-size figures in glorious 17th-century costume.

Travel information

Depart Worcester Foregate Street train station at 10:00, returning by 17:30.

Ticket information

Member: £85.00
Non Member: £95.00

Contact information

Contact: Fundraising Team

Telephone: 08002061463


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