Our Regeneration Consultancy Service
Helping communities breathe new life into churches
How we can help
Historic places of worship need to find new and extended uses if they are to survive. Developing a new use project in a historic place of worship is complex. These sites exert a strong emotional pull on local communities. This, coupled with planning policy and legislation, can make project management challenging.
We operate a regeneration consultancy service and can support you to develop your extended and new use ideas for your historic place of worship. Our Team has significant experience in project management and delivering creative re-use schemes that are viable, sustainable and deliver demonstrable social benefits for local communities. We can help in a number of ways.
Our Consultancy Packages
We can provide the following tailored packages of support to help your project:

Get in touch
We are happy to discuss your project with you and how we might be able to assist.
Please email us at [email protected]. You can also follow our work on Twitter @CCTRegen
We have developed a flexible development and delivery process to help guide project development. This breaks down a project into manageable stages and helps project teams to make decisions about how their projects should move forward. Each step develops different information and the steps include:
- Project kick-off and viability appraisal
- Outline options appraisal
- Preferred option choice and early stage planning
- Project development and fundraising
- Construction
- Operational support and transition
We have developed a flexible development and delivery process to help guide project development. This breaks down a project into manageable stages and helps project teams to make decisions about how their projects should move forward. Each step develops different information and the steps include:
- Project kick-off and viability appraisal
- Outline options appraisal
- Preferred option choice and early stage planning
- Project development and fundraising
- Construction
- Operational support and transition
We have developed a flexible development and delivery process to help guide project development. This breaks down a project into manageable stages and helps project teams to make decisions about how their projects should move forward. Each step develops different information and the steps include:
- Project kick-off and viability appraisal
- Outline options appraisal
- Preferred option choice and early stage planning
- Project development and fundraising
- Construction
- Operational support and transition