All Saint's, Benington

All Saint's Bennington - dating back to around 1200
The Beonna at All Saints Benington
The team are working closely with local people in Lincolnshire on a rural regeneration project that will transform the future of a Grade I listed church and the community that surrounds it.
The Beonna at All Saints represents a true community led success story. Developed by local people – Benington Community Heritage Trust – the vision of the Beonna is to create a high quality events and community space that returns lost local services back to the village. Luncheon clubs, support services for families and a café and meeting space will help address the very real threat that social isolation poses for many members of the community. The Beonna will provide people with a welcoming and attractive space to socialise, get creative and learn about the history of the area through an engaging activity programme that will reach out to all.
This project shows how rural communities can come together and find a sustainable future for historic assets and community life as a whole. The Beonna continues to inspire many other groups to take charge of the future of their Parish church and save it from redundancy and decline.
Benington Community Heritage Trust (BCHT) were awarded a £1.8M grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2015 and are working to deliver the Beonna at All Saints in 2018.
The Beonna is one of the Regeneration Teams consultancy projects. The Team were previously appointed by BCHT to develop and deliver the successful second round HLF bid. The Team have been re-appointed to act as Construction Project Mangers for the client and oversee the delivery of the repair, conservation and adaptation scheme.
Keep in touch
Follow the Benington All Saints Facebook page - become a friend of the project, get regular updates, share your thoughts and more
Visit Benington Community Heritage Trust at their website, keep in touch with what's happening & donate.
In the media
See some of our press coverage for this project here:
- Boston Standard 02/02/15 - £2 million vision to reopen church as community facility
- Architectural Heritage Fund Annual Review 2012/13 - Projects under development
- Country Way June 2013 - Challenge: The Beonna
- Boston Standard May 2013 - Church development plans secure a £320,000 funding boost
- Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation - March 2013 - Challenge Fund Grant to All Saints Benington
- The Arthur Rank Centre - Supporting Rural Communities and Churches March 2013 - Getting the most out of your building
- New Life for Old Buildings - December 2012 - Challenge Fund grant success
- Boston Standard Sept 2011 - Bells ring out in Victorian Benington
- Boston Standard April 2011 - £48k grant to help 'altar' church use
- Country Living March 2011 - Your community needs you: Saving the Past
- Association of Preservation Trust News Autumn 2010 - Community engagement through CCT's Taskforce
- The Guardian July 2010 - Saving churches for their history - not religion
- Boston Standard April 2010 - Group to 'altar' the way church is used