Cycle the ArChWay...get on your bike

ArChWay is a project linking fourteen of our rural Lincolnshire churches through the arts. The cycle routes have been devised to offer an alternative way of enjoying these wonderful churches, as well as the beautiful countryside and of course the art installations. 

There are three routes available for those that want to keep it short there is a 10 mile route as well as 20 and 30 miles route. 

Cycle the ArChWay

So get on your bike and have your own adventures with ArChWay

Burwell route - 10 miles

Should you like a gentle pace then take our 10 mile Burwell route visiting three of our historic churches and stopping off at the Royal Oak for some light refreshment.

ArChWay Burwell Cycle Route


Buslingthorpe route - 20 miles

For those wanting something in-between our 20 mile Buslingthorpe route is just for you.

ArChWay Buslingthorpe Cycle Route


Yarburgh route - 30 miles

Finally we have the 30 mile Yarburgh route for the more adventurous, taking in six of our historic churches with a pit stop at Appleby’s Famous Farm Ices.

ArChWay Yarburgh Cycle Route


We would like to thank Andy Townhill and the Lincolnshire Cycle Touring Club for their help and guidance with this project.