Candida Lycett Green
We were saddened to hear today of the death of Candida Lycett Green - author, journalist and conservation campaigner. Candida was a great friend of The Churches Conservation Trust.
Candida had a great love of historic churches and in 2012 delivered CCT's Annual Lecture to a spellbound audience. She relayed those present with humorous stories of being dragged around churches by her father, Sir John Betjeman as a child. After her initial unwillingness she later grew to love these historic buildings as much as he did.
At her lecture 'For Love of Churches' Candida said
“If you look beyond the architecture….., churches tell the story of the landscape all around them, they tell the story of generations of local people, of lives well spent and it’s that sense of continuity which moves me – that sometimes.. for as long as a thousand years, the parish church has been cared for by our forbears…”
Today we would like to extend our condolences to Candida's family and to express our sadness at her passing. She will be missed by us all.