Bishop of London speaks for CCT funding at General Synod
The Bishop of London, The Rt Revd Richard Chartres introduced the debate and asked for General Synod's support for funding CCT.
He updated on encouraging developments such as the return of two urban church buildings to parochial use to serve new worshipping communities. Bishop Chartres highlighted that since the last payment order in 2005
""the Trust has taken on and repaired newly vested churches in the Dioceses of Canterbury; Ripon and Leeds; Lincoln; York; St Edmundsbury; Lichfield; Gloucester; Salisbury; Chester and St Albans. Without the Trust these churches would still have been a drain on parochial or diocesan funds.""
The Bishop commended the Trust for ""being energetic in raising funds elsewhere"" and ""working with the Church Commissioners to identify beneficial de-vesting opportunities.""