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Stockton Parish Church, CCT Involvement: Regeneration Team 2021

redbrick exterior of stockton parish church with large three large windows along the nave, with a perpendicular tower.
Stockton Parish Church
© Isabel Assaly

The Churches Conservation Trust’s Regeneration Team worked with The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of Stockton Parish Church (SPC) in 2021. The Regeneration Team reviewed design work already undertaken by project architects, assessing the financial viability of the preferred option to adapt and grow usable space within Stockton Parish Church. This included but was not limited to the following: market research, financial viability assessments, operational considerations, community consultations, as well as stakeholder and visioning workshops.

Our research re-assessed the viability of the preferred design option in current market conditions, and made recommendations for pragmatic next steps and fundraising. The Regeneration Team also included a summary of local, regional and national grant-making organisations, including Lottery funders, alongside local corporate, community and individual giving / appeal campaigns, and others who may be interested in supporting the capital campaign. CCT also emphasised the critical importance of continuing partnership-development to increase the prospect of unlocking significant investment into the site, its surroundings, and its associated income-generating activities. This was supported by a staged project development plan, with individual partners and funder identified.

Date written: 2nd February 2022

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