Scheduled Ancient Monument Door Saved in Lead

The door at St Mary's Church in Lead's was subjected to a harsh environment due to its exposed location and this had taken its toll on the condition of the door. Previous repair attempts to the outer had failed and detached. The bottom rail was missing and the lower hinge was in danger of failing due to the lack of structural timber support left in the lower section of the door. Loss of support at the bottom would have caused the door to twist, straining the upper panels and causing them to separate.
The Friends of St Mary’s and the local community decided to fundraise to repair the historic door which is listed as a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The Friends were successful in raising the vital funds despite being plagued with the disruptions brought about from the Covid-19 pandemic. They raised a total of £4,510, the door was repaired with the same wood and will weather to the same tone and texture over time.
This work was made possible with thanks to the Friends of St Mary’s, Fogarty High Level Maintenance, the local community,Crooked Billet Towton, Towton battlefield Society, Richard III Society and Historic England.
Date written: 20th December 2022