The Fox Trap't - a Georgian theatrical experience at Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York

Holy Trinity Church, York, North Yorkshire
3rd August 2024
1545 for a 1600 start
Free (donations welcome)

A rehearsed reading of the most Georgian piece of theatre as written by one of our parishioners from the 1700s

It does not get more Georgian than this...

Join us for a rehearsed reading of an extract from Joseph Peterson’s comedy, The Raree Show or The Fox Trap't first performed in York in 1739.

Living in the parish of Holy Trinity,  Goodramgate, Joseph Peterson was a member of Thomas Keregan’s troop of comedians. The Opera was, as he tells us, ‘the first efforts of an inexperienced undertaker’. It tells the tale of unfortunate lovers and their misplaced love.  After a short presentation about Joseph’s fascinating life and unfortunate death, we will step back in time and hear his words ringing out in York once again.

Although described as an “Opera” on its title piece, there is no singing here. This 18th-century entertainment was not 'opera' as we know it today but comic dialogue with lyrics set to popular tunes of the day. In this case, we no longer even know the tunes so, on this occasion, the performance will be entirely spoken.

Joseph’s introduction,  shown below, begs the support of the people of York. Our volunteers and supporters who are putting on this performance crave the same indulgence.

Book your ticket here:

Tickets are free but donations on the day will be welcomed. Once the online tickets are booked up, please email [email protected] with any request for additional tickets and other queries.

To the Gentleman and Ladies of York.


Gentleman and ladies! The repeated favours I have received from you, and the great goodness you have been pleased to extend to me; have prompted me to the presumption of offering the following trifle for your perusal. I am very sensible, there is nothing in it can claim the least pretence to merit: but as it is the first effort of an unexperienced undertaker, and contains nothing, I imagine, that can be offensive to morality, or good manners; I humbly hope for your indulgence: and beg leave to assure you, my principal care shall always be, in my station, to behave so, as not to forfeit a continuance of the honour you have done towards,


Gentlemen and Ladies,


your most obedient, and most humble servant,


Joseph Peterson

Gemma Murray

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