The Amazing Pensford Nativity - Pensford
Church of St Thomas a Becket, Pensford, Somerset
View a life-sized Nativity trail around the lovely village of Pensford
Come and see the most realistic nativity in the South West! A trail throughout the atmospheric setting of the Church of St Thomas a Becket and the village of Pensford.
The nativity trail opens on Saturday 1 December and is open to visitors from 17:00 every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening up to Boxing Day.
Suitable for all ages, with lifesize figures. Start at the "Lock-up", Publow Lane, Pensford, from approximately 17:00 onwards.
Don't forget to bring a torch, warm clothing, sensible footwear and go carefully, as there is uneven ground in some areas.
The trail is free to view, but any donations are appreciated.