Tales of Skidbrooke - Lincolnshire

St Botolph's Church, Skidbrooke, Lincolnshire
10th September 2016
2pm - 4pm

Guided tour, with special local stories, of a romantic place

Set in magnificent isolation in the Lincolnshire coastal grazing marshes, this early Medieval church has the feel of a Great Hall. The bare and unadorned interior has several wonderful arcades, giving the church its wonderful charm and character.

Local farmer and CCT volunteer Martin Chapman has lived and worked the land in the Lincolnshire coastal marsh area all his life, continuing a family tradition which stretches back through the generations. During this afternoon's event, he will be sharing his knowledge about St. Botolph's but also sharing his knowledge of local history and folk traditions. A natural raconteur, Martin will entertain, as well as inform.


Dave Adgar
07733 108553

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