May Bank Holiday at St John's Stamford

St John's Church, Stamford, Lincolnshire
26th May 2019 - 27th May 2019
Sat 10-6 Sun 11-6 Mon 10-6
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St John's Stamford celebrates the CCT's 50th Anniversary all Bank Holiday weekend

Come and visit this Bank Holiday weekend to see some hidden treats.

There will be a display of altar frontals from the 20th Century, which were used when the church was an active parish.

There will be chasuble vestments from the late 19th Century which are reminiscent of the Oxford Movement which was popular in Stamford at the time.

There will also be a photographic display of flowers and plants which can be found in St Johns’ churchyard.


On Monday 27th at pm Rev David Bond will be giving a talk on the Quiet Gardens Movement to which the St Johns churchyard garden is affiliated.

Free - donations welcome


Alison Pearce

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