John Walker

“In memory of Mr John Walker of this city, confectioner who died Sept 13th 1843 aged 68. Also five of his children vis Mary, Hannah, Edward, Martha & Elizabeth.  Also Mary wife of the above who departed this life Jany 9th 1853 aged 72 years”

“Lesser known York Confectioners”

John Walker was the son of John and Elizabeth Walker. He married Mary Potter on 26 May 1798 at St Crux, York. They went on to have 16 children. All the children were baptised at St Michael le Belfry, but John and Mary chose to be buried at Holy Trinity, Goodramgate alongside 4 of their children who had died young and their grownup daughter, Elizabeth.

John Walker started a confectionery business on Petergate and, in 1828, is shown at number 72. In 1830, he also has property on Gillygate. By 1843, John is trading as senior confectioner (wholesale) at 12 & 13 Gillygate. During this time other confectioners trading in the City included Joseph Terry in St Helen’s Square and Thomas Craven on Pavement. John also had time for local politics being elected as one of the local councillors for Bootham Ward.

John and Elizabeth’s youngest son, Joseph Samuel, appears to be the only member to go into the family business.  In 1851, he is living on Gillygate with his mother, sister Hannah and her son. By 1861, Joseph was living with his own family on Union Terrace. Joseph died in 1871 and, unlike Terrys, the Walker’s Confectioners did not continue into the 20th century. 

John Walker shares a name, but no other connection that we know of, with Reverand John Walker who is memorialised in the glass of the East Window.