St Mary's Church, Washbrook

St Marys Church - Washbrook - Stained glass windows
© Richard Haynes
About this Church
A remote and peaceful place
Despite being close to Ipswich, St Mary's lies remote and peaceful at the end of a winding path amongst picturesque trees and meadows. A Norman church rebuilt in the fourteenth century, it boasts: wonderful stone carvings in the chancel; lovely window tracery; canopied stalls; a piscina, a sedilia and an Easter Sepulchre. An 1866 restoration by Edmund Buckton Lamb provided the roofs and benches, the beautiful Victorian stained glass, and added a delightful baptistry to house the handsome fifteenth-century font.
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A contribution can also be made by texting "WAS" to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10. Thank you.
Give Today
St Mary's costs £15,193 a year to maintain
Please make a contribution towards its upkeep at our donate page
Access Information
Park opposite the lodge houses near to church. 50m walk to lytch gate. There are some steps into church.
Facilities & Hire
Due to the historic nature of our buildings, this church has natural lighting only, and there is no heating, running water or toilet facilities.
- Church Available for Hire
History & Further Information
Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.
St Marys Church Washbrook Guidebook
This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches we care for in Suffolk. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.
3 miles west of Ipswich. From the A1071/B1113 roundabout turn south along Swan Hill and turn right into Pigeon Lane to the junction with Spring Road. Follow Historic Church signs for 0.5 miles to church.
Nearest railway station: Ipswich (2.9 miles)
Community Information
Useful local links:
- Visit Suffolk tourism website:
- Suffolk Local History Council:
- Suffolk Family History Society:
- Suffolk Churches website:
- Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History:
- Suffolk Historic Churches Trust: