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St Peter's Church, Winterborne Came

North Yorkshire



Winterborne Came, Dorchester, North Yorkshire, DT2 8NT
Where to find this church

Opening times

Open daily

Make a donation to this Church

About this Church

The quintessential country squire's church Disciples and devotees of the Revd Williams Barnes (1801-86), the Dorset poet, gravitate to this church; he was rector here and is buried in the churchyard. Close to the Palladian Came House, and alongside some of its outbuildings, it is almost the epitome of the country squire's church. It is a simple building dating from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and was refurnished in Victorian times. Monuments to the Meller and Dawson-Damer families include a fine tomb chest with effigies to John Meller (died 1595) and his wife Anne.

Access Information

14th / 15th century stone faced church in country estate. Churchyard not vested but well maintained with gravel path on a gentle slope from the parking area 50m away. Poet and clergyman William Barnes buried here. Single entrance / exit (120cms wide) through north porch to nave and chancel. Tower over west end accessed by aluminium two stage ladder chained and locked against wall. Floor area (nave and chancel) 81 sq m. Single central aisle 110cms wide. Wooden fixed Victorian pews, barrel vaulted ceiling, screen, pulpit, altar and choirstalls. One level only with small step down from level porch to the nave, and a further two steps up from the nave to the altar.

Facilities & Hire

Due to the historic nature of this church there is water or toilet facility. Use of electricity is via a third party. There is limited parking available. 

This church is used for weddings and wedding blessing in conjunction with Came House 

The William Barnes Society use this church for occasional celebrations due to its connection with William Barnes

For further information about hiring this church please contact

  • Church Available for Hire

History & Further Information

Useful information Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church and the CCT before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church. Cornwall, Devon & Dorset County Guide This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches CCT cares for in Cornwall, Devon & Dorset. 

St Peter Winterborne Came Guidebook


2 miles south east of Dorchester, off A352


Nearest railway station: Dorchester West (1.5 miles); Dorchester South (1.6 miles)

Community Information

Click here to download a copy of the Church Plan which sets out the shared vision for the future of the church. This is a working document that will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any feedback or if you want to contact us about the church plan please drop us a line. When you write, please do give the name of the church, thank you!

Community information for St Peter's Church, Winterborne Came All our Dorset churches are in CCT's West region.

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