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St Nicholas' Church, Littleborough

A poster from the church has pictures of different armed service men in front of a union jack with a pink St George's flag. Below is written: 'The Roll of Honour. The prayers of the Congregation are desired on behalf of the following Members and their Relatives that are now serving their King and Country. Parish of St Nicholas Littleborough'

St Nicholas' Church Littleborough - Roll of Honour




Littleborough Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0HD
Where to find this church

Opening times

Open daily 10am to 4pm.

Email address

Make a donation to this Church
A poster from the church has pictures of different armed service men in front of a union jack with a pink St George's flag. Below is written: 'The Roll of Honour. The prayers of the Congregation are desired on behalf of the following Members and their Relatives that are now serving their King and Country. Parish of St Nicholas Littleborough'

St Nicholas' Church Littleborough - Roll of Honour


You can now help support the work of the Churches Conservation Trust in caring for St Nicholas' by text:

To donate £5 please send LIT to 70970

To give £10 please send LIT to 70191

A church built on Roman remains

This tiny Norman church lies down a quiet country lane, close to the Trent.

It stands near the site of an old Roman fort - they built a military station here by the stone causeway across the river, both now long gone. Roman brick and tile have been used in its walls recalling the empire that brought its civilisation to England almost two thousand years ago.

Look out for the Roman 'herring-bone'; design in the masonry. The simple two-cell stone building probably belongs to the second half of the eleventh century.

The Norman doorway and massive chancel arch are particularly interesting, the latter incorporating two smaller Saxon pillars.

  • Church Available for Hire

Facilities & Hire

Due to the historic nature of the building there is no heating, running water or toilet facilities. The church is lit with natural lighting.


8 miles east of Retford off A620; at village of North Wheatley take country (Roman) road to Sturton le Steeple and east to the hamlet of Littleborough


Nearest railway station: Gainsborough Lea Road (3.6 miles)

History & Further Information

Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church and the CCT before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walkround guides we have for this church

Littleborough St. Nicholas - Your Church Tour

Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Rutland County Guide 2012

This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches CCT cares for in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leciestershire and Rutland. Printed copies of the county guides are also available at the church.

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