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St Leonard-at-the-Hythe Church, Colchester




Hythe Hill, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2NP
Where to find this church

Opening times

Open on Tuesdays from 12pm to 2pm. For more information please contact Dean Wigzell via email or phone. 

Phone number


Email address

Make a donation to this Church

About this church

Traces of the English Civil War

The medieval door of this old port church still bears the holes made by troops to put muskets through during the English Civil War. Over the nave is an elegant sixteenth-century hammerbeam roof and the north aisle roof is even older. The eighteenth and nineteenth-century screens and furnishings, the (1901) mural decoration over the chancel arch, and an array of saints in stained glass create a handsome and devotional interior.

St Leonard Colchester Church Guide.pdf

To donate by text, please text 'COL' to 70970 to donate £5 and to 70191 to donate £10. Thank you.

Access information

Open Tuesdays from 12pm to 2pm.

Volunteering opportunities

The Friends of St. Leonard-at-Hythe are an active group keeping the church alive, and are always looking for volunteers, donations and support. Please visit the friends website here:

Volunteering at St. Leonard’s
We are always grateful for additional volunteers who are able to help keep the church open for visitors, especially with events. Would you like to join us?

Contact Joy Hopkinson: email:

Facilities & hire

Due to the historic nature of our buildings, only a small number have heating, running water or toilet facilities. The lighting is usually operated via a 'push button' timer or a motion sensor.

  • Church available for hire
  • Opportunities to volunteer


One mile east of the town centre, on Hythe Hill.


Nearest railway station: Hythe (0.4 miles). Frequent buses from Town Centre stop next to the church.

History & further information

Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.

Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, and London County Guide 2012

This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches we care for in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex & London. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.

Community information

The Friends care for the church and organise events in partnership with The Churches Conservation Trust.
We are always looking for more ways to make this church available to the local community. We are always grateful for volunteers who are able to help us open the church for visitors and/or assist with events. St. Leonard-at-the-Hythe Church is still a consecrated building and you are welcome to visit, say a prayer or enjoy a time of quiet reflection. Please refer to our website or Facebook page for opening times and new events.

We have several reflective services planned this year so please check our website or Facebook page for details.

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