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Low Ham Church, Langport




Low Ham, Langport, Somerset, TA10 9DR, Andorra
Where to find this church

Opening times

The church is locked but the key can be accessed once on site. Please read the noticeboard at the entrance which shares the location of the key and also important information about the farm. For further information about this church please contact the Local Community Officer Marie Leverett via email below

Email address

Make a donation to this Church

About this Church

A 17th-century gem

This Grade I building is known locally as the Church in the Field. The building we see today, beautifully isolated in the rolling countryside, was constructed around 1620 by Sir Edward Hext, Lord of the Manor.  

Writings by the rector of High Ham in the 16th century suggest two earlier churches existed on the same site. A wall found during recent repair works – which will need further research – may also suggest the possibility of a prior church. There is evidence of Roman occupation in the area; the remains of a Roman villa were excavated nearby in 1946.

In 1645, the church suffered damage during the Battle of Langport, one of the most significant conflicts of the Civil War, which resulted in the Parliamentarians taking control of the West of England.

Low Ham’s church is a rare building in that features a Gothic style and yet was constructed in the late 17th century. Inside, visitors can see 17th-century fabric, fine floors, pews and glass.  

Hext’s grandson, George Stawell, had the building repaired and consecrated in 1668 and in 1921 the church was given in trust to the Church of England. We acquired the church in 2017 and following conservation work on the building the church is now once more open to the public.

Photo: Phil Draper (ChurchCrawler)

Make a donation to Low Ham Church here or text 'LOW' to 70191 to donate £10. Thank you.

Access information

Low Ham is literally in a field next to a farm yard. There isn’t a specific car park but you can pull up in the farm near the church. Visitors should be aware that it is a working farm so will need to park responsibly and be careful of moving vehicles and livestock.

The church is locked but the key can be accessed once on site. Please read the noticeboard at the entrance which shares the location of the key and also important information about the farm.

Facilities & Hire

Low Ham church is available to hire for events and is a unique and beautiful venue.

Due to its historic nature the church has no heating, running water or toilet facilities so thought needs to be given for events longer than a couple of hours (e.g. portaloo hire).

Low Ham Church in the Field has a maximum capacity of 60 people including performers, volunteers and staff.

  • Church Available for Hire

History & Further Information

Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church and the CCT before you visit?

You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.

Somerset County Guide.

This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches CCT cares for in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire . Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.

If anyone is interested in the Hext family history there is a booklet available via the Low Ham Church in the Field Association who can be contacted via their Facebook page: (20+) Facebook’.


14 miles from Bridgwater. 40 miles from Bristol (A37)


Nearest bus station is Fouracres (22 minutes' walk from the church)

Volunteering Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering at this church please contact the Local Community Officer by email on 

Community Information

Low Ham Church Plan

Click the link above to download a copy of the Church Plan which sets out the shared vision for the future of the church. This is a working document that will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any feedback or if you want to contact us about the church plan please drop us a line. When you write, please do give the name of the church, thank you!

Low Ham is in the West region. 

Useful local links:

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