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Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Bromley




Barlon Road, Manningtree, Essex, Essex, CO11 2PP
Where to find this church

Opening times

Open daily 10am - 3pm. For more information please contact Dean Wigzell at or 07553 473288.

Phone number


Email address

Make a donation to this Church

About this Church

A patchwork church

This delightful country church is surrounded on all sides by flat Essex farmland. The nave is Norman, the chancel is from around 1300, and the timber-framed porch is sixteenth century. The colourful tapestry of different building materials in the tall fifteenth-century tower gives it a marvellous patchwork texture.

There is an octagonal font, carved with charmingly rustic emblems of the four Evangelists and Tudor roses. Two stained glass windows commemorate the martyred King Charles I and Archbishop Laud.

To donate by text, please text 'LBR' to 70970 to donate £5 and to 70191 to donate £10. Thank you.

Facilities & Hire

Due to the historic nature of our buildings, only a very small number have heating, running water or toilet facilities. The lighting is usually operated via a 'push button' timer or a motion sensor.

  • Church Available for Hire

History & Further Information

Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.

Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, and London County Guide 2012

This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches we care for in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex & London. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.


3 miles south west of Manningtree. Little Bromley is signed from A120 Colchester Road along Bentley Road. At the junction of Bentley Road and Church Road by the war memorial follow the historic church signs.


Nearest railway station: Manningtree (2.6 miles)

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