Church of St Edmund, Falinge
Greater Manchester
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About this church
A Gothic gem set in a diamond
Tucked away in a quiet corner of Rochdale the extraordinary church of St Edmund's may look like many other Victorian parish churches. On closer inspection it reveals a fascinating blend of gothic revival architecture and Masonic symbolism.
Described by Pevsner as “Rochdale's Temple to Freemasonry”, this fascinating building was created for wealthy Victorian industrialist and Freemason Albert Hudson Royds in 1870-3 by the Architects James Medland and Henry Taylor.
The symbolism goes beyond architecture to the very position of the church in the Rochdale landscape. Sitting in a diamond shaped churchyard at the highest point in the town it is making an overt reference to the Temple which dominated Jerusalem - casting Rochdale as the New Jerusalem.
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Our churches cost on average, £2500 per year to maintain.
Every pound you give will help ensure these special buildings are kept open for all to enjoy.
Disabled access information
Step up into church yard. Flight of stairs into church. Steps up to Chancel and Royd Chapel. Stairs to gallery.
Facilities & hire
Due to the historic nature of our buildings, only a very small number of them have heating, running water or toilet facilities. The lighting is usually operated via a 'push button' timer or a motion sensor.
- Church available for hire
Leave the M62 at junction 20 and follow the A627 (M) onto the A684. Turn right onto the A58 and turn left onto the A680 (Spotland Rd). In ¼ mile turn right onto Clement Royds Street and the church is directly ahead.
Nearest railway station: Rochdale (1.3 miles). Bus route numbers 438, 444.
History & further information
Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church before you visit? You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.
Lancashire, Cheshire, Manchester, & Merseyside County Guide 2012
This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches we care for in Cheshire, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.
Community information
The Friends of St Edmund's Church
The Friends assist The Churches Conservation Trust in caring for the church, organising events and raising funds for the building's upkeep.
- Visit the Friends of St Edmund's Church on Facebook
- Visit the Friends of St Edmund's Church on Twitter
Useful local links:
- Falinge Park Heritage Trail
- Rochdale Online
- Rochdale Past
- The Diocese of Manchester
- Visit Rochdale
- Rochdale Borough Council
- Greater Manchester Churches Preservation Society