St Peter's Church, Kingerby, Lincolnshire

Kingerby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3PU
How to find us
Opening times:
Open daily from 10am to 4pm. For further information please contact the Local Community Officer via email [email protected]
  • Overview
  • Map

Two saints and three knights remembered

Located in the fields at the end of a twisting lane St Peter's is surrounded by trees in the churchyard. It is a peaceful and unspoilt church with an appealing simplicity. The solid rustic tower is from the twelfth century or even earlier, and the rest of the church dates mainly from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The interior is light and airy with honey-coloured stone and a carved seventeenth-century roof.

The windows in the south aisle contain rare and pretty fourteenth-century stained glass showing Saint Catherine with her wheel (looking strongly like a dart board) and Saint Cecilia playing a handheld organ.

The monuments are very special. The two splendid fourteenth-century knights commemorate members of the Disney family. There is exquisite detail in the carving of the armour, belt and sword. An even more extraordinary monument is a slab with a figure of a knight in relief. His head and praying hands at the top, and his feet at the bottom, are separated by an elaborate cross where his lower body and legs would be, and he has long flowing hair.

This church costs £1143 a year to maintain. Please make a contribution towards it's upkeep at our donate page:

A contribution can also by made by texting "KIY" to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10.  Thank you.