St Martin's Church, Whenby, North Yorkshire

Whenby, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 4SE
How to find us | Access information
Opening times:
Open daily from 10am - 4pm. For further information please contact Mark Sproat via email [email protected] or phone on 07392 087023.
  • Overview
  • Map
  • What's nearby

An old village church in a quiet rural setting

St Martin is set in a beautiful rural location with Castle Howard and the Howardian Hills close by. Drifts of snowdrops and daffodils clothe the churchyard in spring and sheep graze between the gravestones in summer.

The church is equally attractive. It was built around 1400 - although some parts may be 200 years older. Inside, the church is simple and airy, with pale stone offset against limewashed walls. Among the most interesting features are 14 massive Medieval oak benches and a Jacobean screen, with original door latch and hinges.

Your support and generosity is what helps us keep the doors to these special places open. We could not do it without you.If you would like to donate to the upkeep and maintenance of St Martin’s please text WHY to 70970 to donate £5 or to 70191 to give £10 every donation really does make a difference to these beautiful churches.

Thank You.

Enjoy a spell of calm reflection with our Mindful Moments:


Whenby St. Martin - Your Church Tour