St Cuthbert's Church, Holme Lacy, Herefordshire
- Overview
- Map
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Angels, a demon and knights in shining armour
In a pretty setting on a bend in the River Wye, looking across to the Herefordshire hills, this delightful church is well worth a visit just to enjoy its rich collection of monuments.
The Scudamore family were patrons of the church from Medieval times until the twentieth century, and their monuments are a spectacular treasure. The church also has monuments to the Lucas-Tooth family who bought the estate in 1909. John Scudamore, who died in 1571 lies beside his wife on a tomb chest, decked out in full armour. James Scudamore, who died in 1668, wears Roman costume in a great wedding cake of a wall monument - possibly by Grinling Gibbons. There is also a Victorian monument to a naval captain which shows a fleet of fully rigged ships. There are even some twentieth-century monuments - in the churchyard is a memorial to Edwyn Scudamore Stanhope, who died in 1933, pictured as a heroic knight in armour.
Beautiful stained glass also delights the eye. Most of it is nineteenth and twentieth century, though the chancel north window is made up of fragments of medieval glass.
In the nave is a striking window showing two of King Arthur's knights, given in memory of Archibald Lucas-Tooth, who died in World War I. His father, Sir Robert, is commemorated in the wonderful glass in the great east window, showing St Michael weighing souls.
Other treasures to look for include the unusual seventeenth-century font, with its elegant stem and richly decorated bowl, and the carvings on the medieval stalls, showing angels, men, a horned demon and a dog.
Please make a contribution towards the upkeep of this church via our at our red donate button. A donation can also by made by texting "HLL" to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10.
Thank you
For further information about this church please contact the Local Community Officer by email [email protected]
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Access information
From long lane and parking area through wide gate to level grass churchyard and south door. One step down to stone flag porch (portable wooden ramp provided in porch)
Disabled access information
Access across level churchyard to the south door. Portable wooden ramp for initial step. Then fixed ramp with handrail to nave.
Facilities & Hire
This church has electric lighting but no toilet facilities for visitors unless they are Champing.
The pews are fixed and there is ample room for performances at the front of the church. Good accoustics.
8 ringable bells.
To hire this church please contact [email protected]
5 miles south east of Hereford; Holme Lacy is located off B4399 between Hereford and Ross-on-Wye; in village follow signs to Holme Lacy Hotel, continue past hotel, turn left at the brown 'historic church' sign into Church Road; church at the end of the lane.
The is ample room to park outside the churchyard.
Nearest railway station: Hereford (6 miles). Bus route numbers 453, 454, 456, 457.
History & Further Information
Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church and the CCT before you visit?
You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.
Herefordshire & Worcestershire County Guide
This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches CCT cares for in Herefordshire & Worcestershire. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.
A walk round guide for St Cuthbert's Church, Holme Lacy
This short, full colour walk round guide contains a floor plan of the church and highlights of things to see during your visit. You can purchase a printed copy of this from the church (50p) or download in advance (free/optional donation).
Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteering opportunities
We’d love to hear from anyone who would like to join our volunteering team at this church. Could you help with history tours, cleaning, gardening or supporting events perhaps?
To find out more please contact our Local Community Officer:
Tracy Genever [email protected]
Community information
Click here to download a copy of the CP which sets out the shared vision for the future of the church. This is a working document that will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any feedback or if you want to contact us about the church plan please drop us a line. When you write, please do give the name of the church, thank you!
St Cuthbert's Church, Holme Lacy, is in our West region.
Latest Church Plan:
Holme Lacy Church Plan - August 24.pdf 2
Useful local links: