St Nicholas' Church, Freefolk, Hampshire

Freefolk, Whitchurch, Hampshire, RG28 7NW
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Open every day.
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A church where churches have stood before

There have been churches on this site for centuries - the Domesday Book mentions a church here, but the walls and roof of the current building are from the thirteenth century and the windows and chancel screen from the fifteenth. The interior was remodelled in 1703 and its character today comes largely from that period.

The church has an early fifteenth century wallpainting of St Christopher partly covered by a Stuart Royal Arms, and a colourful, magnificent seventeenth-century wallpainting monument to Sir Richard Powlett, with an image of Time and Death on either side.

There is also a colourful and intricately carved Jacobean monument to Sir Richard Powlett, who died in 1614 - the monument would have once sat in the middle of the wallpainting monument, an early eighteenth-century reredos, two hatchments and a Royal Arms of 1701 and a pretty bell turret.