Promoting your event

Hints and tricks for promoting your fundraising event for maximum success

Promotional material

We can provide you with a range of promotional ‘props’ to help you advertise your fundraising activity beforehand and gain attention on the day (e.g. stickers, balloons, posters, leaflets). These can also help to explain our work so that people giving  money can see how their donation will be spent. Please contact your Local Community Officer to find out what’s available.

We have templates for branded promotional materials (posters and flyers) available from your Local Community Officer.

If you are designing your own promotional material, remember to include all the relevant details of who is putting the event on, where it is happening, the date and time and most importantly, how to find out more information.

CCT logo and full contact details should appear on all promotional material. You can get these details from your Local Community Officer.

All publicity materials should be seen by your Local Community Officer before it appears in public. Please send a copy before incurring any significant design or print costs. 

Ideas to promote your events

  • Display poster and flyers
  • Notice boards at work, schools, social clubs, canteens, local shops, libraries, sports centres, churches and community centres are great places to display posters and leaflets about your event (but please ask for permission).
  • At work, Internal newsletters, intranet sites and e-mail can be used to spread the word amongst colleagues.
  • Email is a great way of approaching friends and colleagues for support, and then keeping them updated. Consider adapting your email signature so that every message you send includes a promotional sentence at the bottom. E.g.: ‘I am running the London Marathon in April 2020 to raise money for The Churches Conservation Trust. If you would like to support me please link this link, email me or call me on 01234 567890.’
  • Use social media to tell your friends and family - and ask them to tell their friends!
  • Attracting local media editorial coverage is an excellent way of obtaining free publicity. If you would like to involve the press, please contact us  – we can provide a press release template and give support if needed
  • Submit event details to online event listings for your community. Often even villages and small towns have an online listing, often hosted by the parish council, local council or a local radio station or newspaper.
  • Tell us about it: we can promote the events on our website. Please contact your Local Community Officer to share your event details.