Our Memory Walks are an opportunity to take a nostalgic journey through Sunderland's rich history from the seated comfort of our vestry. This month, we present a special recollection event focused on the seaside resorts of Roker and Seaburn. Step back in time and immerse yourself in the area, and learn how much it has changed over the years.

During this unique event, you'll have the opportunity to sit down, relax, and indulge in a cup of tea while our knowledgeable volunteer guides provide fascinating historic context and insights. As you sip your tea and bask in the warm atmosphere, allow the memories to flow as you recall personal experiences, anecdotes, and tales associated with Roker and Seaburn.

Our volunteer guides, who have an unwavering passion for Sunderland's heritage, will share captivating stories, highlighting the significant role these landmarks played in the city's past. From architectural marvels to community gathering spots, these sites hold countless memories, and we invite you to contribute your own recollections to the tapestry of Sunderland's history.

This recollection event is open to all, and we encourage you to bring your friends, family, and anyone else who may have memories or an interest in these treasured landmarks. Please note that seating is limited, so we recommend reserving your spot in advance to ensure your participation.

Booking is recommended. Book here.

*photo credit -Sunderland Council