Dr Dearlove has had a variable career in geology, both in academia and industry, in the

fields of geochemistry, environmental geology and hydrogeology. As an academic he worked at Sunderland Polytechnic/University and at the Westlakes Research Institute in Cumbria. He spent over 12 years as a Principal Consultant with FWS Consultants in Spennymoor and completed his career as the hydrogeologist for Northumbrian Water.

He has worked on a wide range of projects including the gold deposits of Kirkland Lake

(Ontario, Canada), the DEFRA review of Foot and Mouth burial sites in NE England, the UK review of Geological Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites, the exploration and development of the Polyhalite Potash deposits between Whitby and Scarbrough for York Potash and a review of the sustainability of groundwater abstractions from the Fell Sandstone near Berwick.



2pm: Arrive and grab a seat, coffee/tea and scones with jam will be available at the counter (or to pre-book). There will be other small treats to purchase available on the day too.

2:30pm: Lecture begins.

Registration and Cost:

- You can preorder your a cup of coffee/tea and scone with jam with your ticket or buy on the day. Alternatively attendance to these lectures is free but we encourage you to make a donation if you're able.


Holy Trinity Sunderland is conveniently located close to the Donnison School and Sunderland Maritime Heritage Museum for avid history fans to make the most of their visit. The venue offers ample parking facilities, wheelchair accessibility, and a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Chronicles and Crumbs at Holy Trinity Sunderland. Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact us.

Book here.